Ashiana Network – Group Award Nomination – 2006

Ashiana Network’s purpose is to empower South Asian, Turkish and Iranian women aged between 16-30, who are experiencing domestic violence, by providing them with culturally sensitive advice, support and safe housing – enabling them to make positive and appropriate choices for themselves – and to raise awareness of domestic violence and carry out preventative work with the community as a whole. In addition to Ashiana’s main refuge there is a safe house specifically for women aged 16-25 fleeing forced marriage. Ashiana also deliver an education programme for young people in secondary schools in East London aimed at preventing domestic violence and enabling young people experiencing domestic violence to access appropriate services. We deliver a range of awareness raising workshops for young people in the community and training on domestic violence for professionals in the voluntary and statutory sector. We run a youth project to engage young people between the ages of 13-19 who are disadvantaged or at risk of social exclusion in some form of extracurricular activities. In addition we have in-house short-term counselling service for our residents and outreach clients who require specialist counselling. Ashiana currently runs a domestic violence support group for women in the wider community.